This is my CGI Math Center and my story Board Center...Fun Place
Block Center...they will use the white board to count and record the blocks they use. and to draw a structure to matches what they build. Yea for Counting Collections in the Block Center!
This is my Listening Center ....Lori Barnett gave me the Cat in the Hat Painting..Her daughter was in my very first kindergarten room...
This is my "blue Bucket" is a center that gives the students a little freedom in their center choices. Or so they think...but they are still constructing and building...
My wonderful "Book Nook" that my amazing dad build for me. This is a student favorite. they love to curl up with a book and read for a bit. Neat place to get cozy and get lost in a book.
Drama Center: I bought "real" objects from a thrift store in town. I have found that kids love to play with "real things" Their play is more imaginative when they have this type of stuff. They have enjoyed it so much...if you ever have old things that you might want to donate just let me know..i will gladly take it off your hands.